Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What came first?

So I had an appointment with my neurologist on Friday February the 11th. She advised me that she had spoken to the neurosurgeon and they are unsure of what came first, the high ICP or the Chiari Malformation. In her explanation she said that high ICP can cause a Chiari Malformation and a Chiari Malformation can cause high ICP. In my last blog post you will remember that I mentioned that there was no change in the condition of the optic nerves. This fact is making the doctors lean more towards the high ICP being first but they are still unsure. A few weeks after surgery I will meet with the eye doctor to retake the optical nerve pictures and a week or so after that I will see the neurologist. At that time, she is hoping to be able to tell me the answer to the question of, what came first.

1 comment:

  1. =( I hope this surgery answers the questions and fixes everything! I don't want you to deal with this any longer than you have to. UGH!
