In case you have been under a rock and haven't seen my recent facebook statuses, I’ve been doing some pre-op things this week.
Wednesday I was supposed to do my pre-op blood work but I was over due on getting my IUD checked so I got that taken care of instead. (TMI, I know).
Thursday I had an appointment with the eye doctor to check to see if some of the swelling of my optical nerves had gone down (because of the diuretic) and they haven't. That is slightly concerning, but we will revisit that after surgery. After that appointment, I headed to the surgeons office to get registered for surgery. Next was down to anesthesia to get registered.
Friday (today) I did the pre op blood work, EKG and chest x-ray.
Per my primary doctor, I am OK TO GO for surgery. Its crazy how just 35 days ago I passed out and this whole chain reaction has started. While it's scary in a way, I see it as a new beginning. A life without headaches, without some crutch holding me back from living life to its fullest.
While I still have a few appointments to go, I have started counting down the day’s surgery.... 20 days. It’s amazing how 20 days can seem so close yet so far away.
Youre going to be through with this before you know it! Keep positive!! :)