Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Surgery date has been moved

I received a phone call from my neurosurgeons office just a few minutes ago and now I have some updated information on appointments and on surgery.

2/2/11              7:45PM - Pre Op Blood Work
2/3/11              9AM - Pictures of optical nerves
10AM - Surgery Registration
11 AM – Anesthesiologist

2/11/11            3:40 PM Neurologist

2/24/11            New Surgery Date


  1. UGH! Moved it back? I know it's only 3 days but come on man! We're all ready to get this over with and get you back to your normal self.

  2. Wow, what a bummer. At least it's only a few days and not a few weeks!

  3. Hey Steph!
    Just got caught up to speed with all of your updates....WOW! Good news, I have seen lots of kiddos with Chiari Malformations & most do really well after surgery. Best of luck to you & i will be keeping you in my prayers!

    Great job on the blog!

  4. @shannon and amber - while i'm ready for it to be over, at least they didn't push it back a month!!

    @nicole - i can only hope that i heal as well as the kido's!!! THANKYOU! lol, i need to get updated on your blog! hope your little family is well!
